

Conference Venue:Nanyang Technological University


Singapore, officially the Republic of Singapore, is known as the Lion City (Singapura) and consists of the main island and about 64 smaller offshore islands, including Sentosa (the largest of the offshore islands), Pulau Ubin, St John's Island and the Sisters' Islands. Two bridges connect Singapore to Malaysia and Continental Asia. The Johor–Singapore Causeway links Singapore to the Malaysian city of Johor Baru on Peninsular Malaysia.


Singapore is famous for being a global financial center, being among the most densely populated places in the world, having a world-class city airport with a waterfall, and a Botanic Garden that is a World Heritage Site.


Singapore is known as a tourist destination and for its hot and humid climate, being very clean, and growing in area due to reclaimed land.


The city-state is a shopper's paradis. Besides the usual luxury brands sold in luxurious malls with luxury air conditioning, you can buy almost everything except chewing gum. Singapore is also known as "Instant Asia" because it offers visitors a quick glimpse of the Asian cultures that immigrants have brought from all parts of the continent.


Nanyang Technological University

Since its establishment, NTU has been adhering to the principle of "innovation and high technology, laying a foundation for global excellence." With the vision and mission of "all-round education, cultivating interdisciplinary liberal arts talents", we constantly actively improve our scientific research and education level in the four fields of arts, science, industry and business, and provide many interdisciplinary teaching courses for more than 30,000 students in our school. With its years of development, Nanyang Technological University ranks among the top 100 universities in the world. According to the latest authoritative ranking data, NTU is ranked 11th in the QS World Rankings 2020(one of the highest ranked universities in Asia in this list), 48th in the World University Rankings 2020, 43rd in the US News World University Rankings 2020, and 73rd in the Academic Rankings of Soft World Universities 2019.


As a world-class comprehensive university, Nanyang Technological University has a very active research atmosphere. In particular, as one of the major universities in Singapore, with the support of relevant national funds, NTU promotes the development of Singapore in the fields of biology, medicine, environment and information technology. Especially in the field of advanced materials science, biomedical engineering, intelligent systems, nanotechnology, clean energy research is also world-renowned. Nanyang Technological University is not only a member of the Pacific Rim University Alliance, but also a founding member of the Global University Artificial Intelligence Academic Alliance and one of the initiator schools of the International Alliance of Universities of Science and Technology. With its considerable research programs, NTU's sustainable development programs are also highly competitive in the same field, becoming a world leader in research and teaching in the field of sustainable development.



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