Welcome to PEPSC 2025

2025 3rd Power Electronics and Power System Conference (PEPSC 2025) is co-organized by Tunku Abdul Rahman University and Hong Kong Society of Mechanical Engineers(HKSME), supported by South China University of Technology, University of Electronic Science and technology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Hangzhou Dianzi University, media supported by Proceedings of the CSEE,Automation of Electric Power Systems, Power system Technology, High Voltage Engineering, Electric Power Information and Communication Technology, New Type Power Systems, CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems(CSEE JPES), High Voltage, Energy Internet, Power System Protection and Control, Electric Machines and Control, Electrical Power Engineering Technology, Power Generation Technology, CPSS Transactions on Power Electronics and Applications(CPSS TPEA), Journal of Power Supply, Nanfang Nengyuan Jianshe, Neimenggu Dianli Jishu, Smart Power & Energy Security, Journal of Computational and Cognitive Engineering, Electric Power and Southern Power Grid Technology, which will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from Nov. 13 to 16, 2025. The theme of PEPSC 2025 is "Digital, Intelligent Power Conversion and New Power System".

This conference is aimed at providing a platform for all researchers and engineers to share ideas, highly developed skills and successful practices to others. The conference will last for 4 days with the reception to be held on the first day to meet and mingle with conference chairs, session chairs and other participants.

We would like to invite you to join us in this important event and share your recent advanced development and research findings in Power Electronics and Power System to all attendees. Besides, it is also a good opportunity for you and your family to enjoy the culture and view in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. We are looking forward to seeing you in PEPSC 2025.



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Publication & Indexing Information  

All the registered and presented papers will be submitted to the publisher for review, and papers that meet the requirements will be published. Selected papers with high quality, which are presented on conference, will be recommended to publish in the international journals.



# PEPSC 2023 Conference Proceedings was published by IEEE and included in IEEE Xplore(LINK), and indexed by Ei compendex.


Peer Review Instructions & Submission 

All the papers will be peer reviewed, and each paper will be peer reviewed by 2-3 experts. If the paper needs revising, it should be resubmited for peer review again. Submitted papers are evaluated using a double-blind review process for originality, relevance, and presentation. Reviewers for a paper will be kept anonymous.

1) Manuscripts must be written in English;
2) The manuscript should be written in accordance with the standard of template;
3) The topics of paper should be relevant to conference topics;
4) Plagiarism and Duplicate submission are prohibited;
5) Innovation and scientific value is a must.

Authors can submit their manuscripts in PDF through electronic submission system or email. In order to avoid repeated submission, please just choose one submisson method. Please click following link:

Electronic Submission System
E-mail: info@pepsc.org

For any inquiry about the conference, please feel free to contact us at: info@pepsc.org.


Important Dates

There are two rounds important dates.

Round I Round II
Full Paper Submission Deadline: Full Paper Submission Deadline:
May 5, 2025 Jul. 10, 2025
Notification of Acceptance: Notification of Acceptance:
Jun. 5, 2025 Aug. 10, 2025
Registration Deadline: Registration Deadline:
Jul. 5, 2025 Sept. 10, 2025

Program Preview

Program is subject to final confirmation.

Nov. 13, 2025 Registration and Conference Kits Collected
Nov. 14, 2025 Opening Remark/Plenary Lecture/Panel Discussion/Special & Technical Session
Nov. 15, 2025 Invited Speeches+Technical Sessions &Technical Tour
Nov. 16, 2025 Plenary Lecture/Panel Discussion/Industrial Forum/Industrial Visit

Contact Us

If you have any question or need any assistance regarding the conference, please feel free to contact our conference specialist:

Ms. Kitty Liu

E-mail: info@pepsc.org

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